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Why your business needs a continuity plan

Writer: Nairn FisherNairn Fisher

Why does your business need a continuity plan? What does it need to include? Prepare your business to survive the next unexpected event by developing a plan now.

If the past few years have taught us anything, it’s to expect the unexpected. Whether it’s a flood, a pandemic or a power cut, life has been throwing us some serious curveballs. Your business has already survived a considerable number of major challenges – but could you do a better job of being ready for the next one?

What is a continuity plan?

A continuity plan identifies big risks to the operation of your business, and sets out actions you can take if these risks occur. It means having a back-up in case your usual methods of operating are suddenly unavailable. It’s about continuing even in tough times.

How can it help your business?

Continuity planning allows your small business to reopen sooner after a disaster, and improves your business’s chance of surviving. It can also help you spot potential risks you might not otherwise have thought about, and it can give staff, lenders and insurers more confidence in the business.

What should a continuity plan include?

Your plan will be specific to your business, but it might include some of these components:

  • What type of risks could shut your business down – can you reduce them?

  • What is the minimum skeleton business you could operate – who and what would it require?

  • Where are the risky points in your supply chain – do you have alternatives? What insurance would help your business survive after a natural disaster?

  • Is your data protected and backed up so it’s safe?

You can visit for a more comprehensive explanation of continuity planning.

We can help you develop a continuity plan

Our team is highly experienced at supporting businesses through tough times. We can help you identify risks and mitigation strategies specific to your operations.

Get in touch and together we can make sure your business survives and thrives, even when the unexpected happens.

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